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The Cross... The Love

I didn’t realise

that you thought of me

right from the start.

I didn’t know

that even before I was formed

that you planned how my heart would be spoken for

I never imagined,

how much you loved me, Jesus;

So much that you would lay

your life down for me

Here I am yet again, asking;

'How did you do it?'

'How could you bear all the weight

of all our sins, the wages of death?

Even if you shared a glimpse, a picture of what it was like

The fact is, I will never be able to get it! 

When I consider;

your pain, your blood

Oh! my Redeemer!

Your life as ransom for mine

Oh! my Deliverer!

The price that you paid;

Oh! my Restorer!

The fire from the burns of your wounds,

Oh! my Refiner!

All this suffering so that you would become my salvation;

leaves the Cross a beautiful mystery,

full of power to give us new and everlasting life

Yes, this is perfection!

This is what our souls yearns for!

This is truth!

And it doesn’t get any better,

It doesn’t get any deeper

Than this Special Gift of Love;

Jesus Christ, our Risen King!

Afua Richardson-Parry ( 2019)

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