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Writer's pictureedwardjmccoul

“Your Blood-Bought Anointing”

“Your Blood-Bought Anointing”

Oh, blessed Redeemer, to You we owe all. Picturing our Love on the cross, I do recall. Your Blood bought Your precious Anointing. With this grace to You, Lord, we are joining.

Your victory on Calvary brought evils defeat. Salvation was paid with no need to repeat. A bridge to the Father, the cross, sufficed. Your Blood was offered up as our sacrifice.

From Heaven the Water of Life does return. It flows into our hearts freely and unearned. What we give up of self can’t be compared. For Your Blood-Bought Anointing is so rare.

People put their worth in gold and money. Give me a spiritual land of milk and honey. Your Anointing enables me to walk upright As a child of Yours righteous in Your sight.

“My child, my shed Blood cleanses of sin." “Turn to Me; let your new life in Me begin." I hear Your beckoning, Lord, and I agree. Your Blood cleanses; Your Anointing frees.

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