As believers we know that while the enemy is defeated, he is still active for a period of time before the victory of Christ is fully implemented on the occasion of His Second Coming!
Christ has won the victory, but we have to take authority each day to enforce this victory in our lives. To do this effectively, we need the spiritual armour of God. Ephesians 6:11 tells us to 'Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.'
Verse 16 especially states; 'In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.'
The shield of faith is an important weapon in our spiritual armoury. The enemy is well aware of this and will want to fire fiery darts at us at every opportunity. I can share a recent personal testimony about how the shield of faith came to my defence whilst I was street preaching. I was engaged in a discussion with an un- believer. As I proceeded to share the gospel, the man persisted to object, seemingly offended by my testimony of God's transforming power over my life. He asked me how I could believe in a God that I don't see. And I replied, 'God is real and Jesus is real and I know this by faith!' Almost immediately after I mentioned the word 'Faith', his guard came down and in that moment, it was as if the Holy Spirit had touched his lips and he became calm and less argumentative. He then became receptive to hear more about God's love for him! I share this story to demonstrate how powerful the shield of faith is.
When we call upon the name of Jesus in faith, the mountains have to move and opposing situations or circumstances have no choice but to change. At times the change can be immediate, but often it takes endurance through prevailing prayer. James 5:16 (AMP) says, 'The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power'.
Faith is about a growing and loving relationship with a faithful God. As we grow to trust God, our level of faith, even at the mustard seed stage brings us much confidence as we face life's challenges. Through God's word, our faith muscles are built up in the spirit giving us renewed and continued boldness.
Beloved, be encouraged to put on God's whole armour, and above all put on the shield of faith by which you can continue to be fully protected against the wiles and strategies of the evil one.
Afua Richardson-Parry 29/03/24