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That's Not Good Enough

Life is like a bumpy road with knocks and bumps and things that hurt. Then someone says you're not good enough and makes you feel like dirt. All your life you've done nothing but love and given openly your heart. Then someone says that's not good enough and throws a fiery dart. Life's path takes us upon many a road, some good and even some bad. Then someone says that's not good enough, hope deferred, the heart sick and sad. The battle is spiritual, the pain in flesh. Judge, jury, executioner is one. Then someone says that's not good enough and says the deed is done. There is alone a savior, Jesus is his name. He knew I wasn't good enough, Yet, still he came... He came and died, for those not good enough at all. He bridged the gap that one man made once and for all. Through pain of words, looks and sneers, I'm finally free. Through clouded eyes and pedestal, you cannot see... Jesus died for me and you, come see what he's done. Bow before him, ask forgiveness, he is God's son! Then one day I'll place a crown at his feet and hear... You're my child you're good enough no more shall you fear.

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