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Writer's pictureCarol-Ann Lane

Don't rely on You!

Don’t Rely on You!

This week’s topic is about using God’s nature as inspiration for your writing.

Authors of all genres, for the most part, are reserved, quiet, and introverted. I am definitely in that category. I am humbled when someone comes forward to a book event and wants to hear my story or I can give them some inspiration. I’m even more humbled when they decide to purchase my books. My goal is to spread God’s message through my inspirational writing to give people hope.

Announcing my second book on healing and self-growth will be launching this week! 

 You deserve to be worry-free and live with hope! Carol-Ann has endured many struggles throughout her life. Remarkably, as a cancer warrior, she has found ways to live a worry-free life, full of hope and resilience, and you can too. 

The following is another sneak peek of my next book trailer for my upcoming second healing book. For now, dear readers you are the first to enjoy this trailer. I hope you enjoy it, share it, and I look forward to seeing you at my book signing events.

2nd Announcement: I am humbled to have been invited as an author guest on a TV Talk show. It will be broadcast live from sunny central Valley California this coming Wednesday February 14, 2024. Don’t forget to read through my blog post for details on this special event and how you can dial in to the live show.


 Don’t get discouraged if your marketing efforts seem fruitless. Sometimes it seems no matter how hard you try you don’t seem to have success. It’s not your fault, you put your best foot forward and you had the desire to try. This is the key – that compelling desire to let the world know, to share your story, to complete your task. That goes with anything in life, not just writing. You need to keep your eye on the task.

Paul’s letter to the Philippians (3:13-14) reinforces that sentiment with, “Beloved, I do not consider that I have made it my own; but this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on towards the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.”


Something compels you to move forward. For me, as a Christian author, my goal becomes the most important part of the journey. Remember it’s not a race. One step at a time. I often recall the advice from my cancer nurse, slow and steady wins the race.

The goal of sharing stories, writing inspirational works that will deliver a message of hope, kindness, resilience, peace, joy, and love. Remember to have patience and rely on God to take care of the burden for you. For all of my marketing efforts, my videos, reels, posts, I pray first and I always ask God to show me the way. I am not a graphic artist by any stretch of the imagination. Yet, with God’s help, I design and produce all of these book trailer videos myself. What you see is God’s work. I pray to God every day to guide me on what to write and how to promote His message.

Putting this into perspective I will borrow insight from my latest book about to be launched to ask you a question. When you set your goals to completing an activity, a task, or writing. do you do this with your mind or with your heart? Whenever you find yourself in a rural setting (a park, near a forest, a creek, anywhere with some nature), on your lunchbreak, or just walking around your neighbourhood, don’t concentrate on anything (except for your safety – but you know what I mean).

Let your inhibitions down and let God guide you. You will see your thoughts and ideas will take an entirely different direction. Sometimes it’s a way of clearing your mind. When you do find yourself in that space - let your soul be uplifted - and let your senses (sight, smell, touch, hear) follow God's call. Being within a natural setting one can experience the fullness of sound, sights, images, smells that are beyond urban life. It's a melody full and wonderful. To any writers out there struggling to be inspired, to fully experience writing in this way, you need to let go of your mindful inhibitions in order to let your heart and soul write and live.

Personal inspiration

I woke up early the other day and experienced something beautiful. A blend of tangerine, peach, marigold and a splash of terra cotta stretched across the skyline. Rich deep tones as if still wet from the artist’s paintbrush gliding across the blank canvas. My heart leapt as my smile widened. It was a fresh new day. In the bleakness of winter God directs nature with a delicate balance of beauty, power and splendor. If nature had a voice it would sing with all of the notes and chords to become an enchanting melody. The gentle whisper of winds. The faint rustle of leaves in the trees. The gurgling from brooks and streams. The spitter and spatter, dripping and dropping beats of rain drops as they dance off the rooftops.  Hard packed snow crunching under our boots.  Each day full of tuneful sights and sounds. It begins every day for us. Each day is a gift, this is why it is called the present. It’s a new beginning. It’s hope for a newness in our lives.

These messages are in my second healing book which is about letting God lead you to healing and becoming new again. How do you do this? In our modern society we have been taught to be independent, self-reliant, and empowered. Believing in the Self, in You is the key to success. Some will be successful but not without disappointments, struggles, stress, worry, greed, power, and so on. The only way to let God lead you is by freeing yourself from everything that you know then you will find the answer.


Announcement: I am humbled to have been invited as an author guest on a live TV Talk show. It will be broadcast live from sunny central Valley California on Wednesday February 14, 2024 at 2:30 pm EST (Ontario) and 11:30am Central California time).


Join us live on our International Central Valley Talk Show “Briggs on Books” to hear author Carol-Ann Lane discuss her debut book, "A Star in the Distance" and her Second Healing book with more on the horizon.

Central Valley Talk is a web-based TV Channel and has been broadcasting since 2008 as a regional network in California's Central Valley. The host, Mike Briggs, holds master’s degrees in history and in music history and is a retired professor teaching in each of his Master's disciplines. He is also retired as a member of the California State Legislature. He is an avid reader and occasionally reviews books.

Those interested in watching my live interview can dial in to their web-based tv channel or any of these platforms:

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