The Moment
The crowd began to gather to observe the young Man's fate
The Channel of His Father's love abused by violent hate
Never thoughtful of what He might gain as He sought the good of all
Now sore tempted to respond in kind to the vileness of the call
To come down from that wooden cross where He hung in love for them
Not a single obligation for this sacrifice on Him
But knowing if He dared to come down as the people said
Then at once all of humanity would be reckoned with the dead
For He only had that moment to secure our destiny
And should He do as they had said then for all eternity
There would be an emptiness of heart in the Saviour of mankind
For His willingness to pander to the ignorant and blind
Who were standing in the presence of the only One to be
Their chance for that redemption that they failed as one to see
Provided by their Maker long before this world began
As He alone could see the conflict for the soul of man
That was to cost Him dearly as their only Sacrifice
The only One Who above all could pay that perfect Price
First leaving adoration in His Kingdom filled with love
To face all the rejection that the scriptures tell us of
First in the Psalms of David then the prophesies of old
From Moses to Isaiah even Malachi we're told
Could see the destination that would come to the redeemed
If Christ the Lamb of sacrifice was the One that they esteemed
Far more than earthly grandeur with its riches and its fame
That stifles out the very thoughts of that important name
Wherein lies all the power of God's Kingdom built on love
That Kingdom that He tried to teach us through His goodness of
And yet He hung there dying without pomp or circumstance
Though for four thousand years His people had more than a glance
Into the plan and purpose of His Sacrifice for them
As daily in that precious lamb they saw the price of Him
Who stayed there for each one of us to be our perfect Way
To heaven and eternal life for which we could not pay
And to reveal His victory o'er sin and death and hell
To give to us that home above of which no tongue can tell
Psalm 22:1-31; Isaiah 53:1-12; Matthew 27:35-53