How often do we actually take the time to search within
The body of God's scriptures for the truth that lies therein
How often do we focus from the first words that we see
And take time to discover what for some is mystery
How often do we ask the Lord to help us through our day
To contemplate those words He's shared and what they really say
To us as individuals who draw our life from Him
And need to realize the beauty we might find in them
For truly it's no wonder that God's people are so weak
When most important issues need His chosen ones to speak
And stand up for His righteousness against those godless few
Who seem to rule society that lets them say and do
What once was thought unspeakable not many years ago
When scripture helped society the better ways to know
But as so many people found less time to spend with Him
The power of the Gospel of the Lord found less of them
To put themselves in harm's way if that was what was required
To fight with God's authority the fight that was inspired
By evil forces seeking to destroy the souls of men
As it removed the Standard that revealed the root of sin
And as the laymen worried more about the things they had
They worried less about the times and what was really bad
And let the subtle evils of the devil take control
Beginning with our childhood as he worked to steal our soul
Through means of entertainment seeming innocent at first
But filled with innuendoes that encouraged greater thirst
For greater immorality displayed before the eyes
Of all who do not see the truth and how the devil tries
To also mix the messages translators place within
What once was pure and simple as God's Word before all men
But with the many different ways they make the scriptures read
They've given rise to many doubts that are the devil's seed
That grow to weeds of false belief that draw us from the Truth
That once was our foundation from our time as early youth
And must once more be cherished if we hope to gain the prize
Of life eternal with the One Who makes the simple wise
2 Timothy 2:15-16; John 5:39; 1 Corinthians 2:1-16