The Calling
There is no greater calling to be placed upon a soul
Than working with the Master making broken people whole
Through acts of true compassion looking not upon their sin
But how through grace and miracles they might be whole again
Whole from a life of brokenness that may have started when
They were abused in childhood by the nearest of their kin
Whom they had loved and trusted in their closest family
Not knowing of the evil of that one's perversity
Or maybe somewhat later in another whom they found
Would be their life's companion married on that hallowed ground
Assuming they would never have to fear that special friend
Until they met the creature that they did not comprehend
Could be within that person whom they chose to spend their life
In love with through the moments that they knew would bring them strife
But never thinking heaven could be shaken to its core
Until their blissful marriage was destroyed and so much more
As pride transformed to anger anger to the beast of sin
Revealed by rage and violence they thought would never end
Until they broke their promise to be with them all their life
For fear that their surrender would mean death from all the strife
And carrying that burden they descended into hell
Where people bruised and broken know the outcome all too well
That fears those nearest to them taking no one in their trust
Unless they see compassion demonstrated and they must
To live another moment knowing not what else to do
Not knowing what the future is about to bring them too
If they should see tomorrow or should meet their own demise
Or maybe trust the passion that they see within the eyes
Of one that's gone before them to a similar degree
And found that transformation at the cross of Calvary
Where love met them in sorrow and removed their darkened past
And gave them joy and healing that eternally would last
As they shared with another all the love that they had found
From God through Christ their Saviour Who met them upon that ground
Where they too once had suffered and raised them to victory
To share the love and Light of life for other ones to see
Matthew 5:1-16; Romans 8:28