Once a Heathen
I used to be a heathen living life all on my own
Believing God just put me here then left me all alone
Believing all that happened was by random happenstance
And I could change the future if I only had a chance
But then by grace God laid me on my back that I might see
That without Him there could not be life in humanity
There could not be a nature nor a sun up in the sky
Nor seasons for refreshing that the harvest time supplies
There could not be tomorrows neither all the yesterdays
If we had not His breath of life that fills all life today
And but for His great mercy all we are would cease to be
Had Christ not died upon the cross that day on Calvary
To save this selfish heathen from his ignorance of bliss
To show him love alone could save him for a time like this
When he could live a portion of this time in History
To be a part of God's great plan for all the worlds to see
God's work for our salvation on this theatre called earth
Revealed by His amazing love when He first gave us birth
While knowing in the future He alone could clearly see
The awfulness that man would bring His creativity
And still in love He made us with a free will all our own
As love cannot be love no matter how much love is shown
If one has not the freedom to decide to love in kind
Or turn away that love as one who chooses to be blind
And then to see the miracle of faith that comes through grace
That fits this lost and helpless soul to stand before God's face
Not one who walks in heathen paths of selfishness and pride
But one who breaths the breath of God that Jesus puts inside
To share with other sinners who know not the love of God
Who know not of the Saviour Who still walks the paths we trod
Each day as by His Spirit He helps us the more to see
The power of the blood He shed way back on Calvary
That makes a heathen holy makes him one with God again
Restoring what God meant to be a life devoid of sin
Embracing life through Jesus Christ not living on our own
But living as a sinner saved by grace and grace alone
Ephesians 2:1-9