Blessing in Infirmity
When I was just a little child so many years ago
I came to meet a person so few people stopped to know
That worked within a building where large masses passed each day
But rarely stopped with more than just a word or two to say
I think her name was Janice or Miss Donna I don't know
Whatever she impressed me every time that I would go
To where she worked most humbly as she sold her simple wares
To people who kept passing with their own minds on their cares
When here was one so gentle saying little of her past
But always very interested in the folks that passed
To help them in her simple way with what she had to share
To meet the needs of those who stopped to buy her simple wares
For she worked in a little stand that sold commodities
Like sodas bubble gum and snacks and crackers made with cheese
As well as chips and coffee cigarettes and sundry things
That people found they wanted that she stood there offering
But that was not what shocked me on the first time that we met
Though what my mother bought me was what I had hoped to get
What shocked me most was watching as this woman quickly found
The items people asked for with just simple touch and sound
For she lived without vision she was blind and could not see
But from the time she learned my voice she always welcomed me
When we would stop to ask her for some wanted thing she sold
That she could find quite quickly without having to be told
And as she showed an interest in the things that I would share
She never seemed that bothered knowing that the people stared
For life meant more than worrying about what people thought
About her world of blindness and the battles that she fought
For to her way of thinking blindness blessed her every day
As she could see more deeply through the things people would say
What really was within them that appearances could hide
But voices and inflections would reveal was deep inside
And by that cared more deeply for the folks that she would meet
As in her time she'd bring them through her prayers to Jesus' feet
Where blindness was her vision that could see within the soul
Of those she prayed would meet the One Who longs to make them whole
2 Corinthians 12:6-10; Philippians 4:19