When I was just a child I can remember that I heard
A preacher share a message on a very special word
That word that has a message that we need to understand
Most keenly if we are to be the people God has planned
For most today are wanting when it comes to what it means
To have a perfect character the way the scripture deems
Is needful if we are to be among those who are saved
When Jesus comes to call the ones now resting in the grave
And many think if they perform for other folks to see
An outward form of righteousness that looks like purity
They'll slide right into heaven and the Lord won't even know
The falseness in their character they tried hard not to show
But falseness in one's character that seems to cover sin
That hides that dark iniquity one harbors deep within
Is like the wax that once was used by sculptors long ago
To cover imperfections they had hoped would never show
But as the heat of summer and the shining of the sun
Beat down upon their sculpture all the wax would start to run
And all the imperfections would be there for all to see
Just like the trials that try us and reveal our vanity
And as the condemnation would be brought upon the soul
Of him who was deceitful for man's glory as his goal
So those today who use the wax of fallacy to hide
Their evil traits of character will be most sorely tried
And found to be most wanting by the Lord when He returns
To gather all His children for whom now His heart still yearns
Because they lack sincerity in all they say and do
Sincerity “without the wax” that others never knew
But that God saw most clearly as from Him nothing can hide
And only those who love Him most will in His home abide
Where everything and everyone is true as they appear
Unlike so many who profess but really are not here
And in that home where we will live throughout eternity
The people who lived for the Lord in their sincerity
Will be the ones who have the joy that fakers could not find
Because they chose to live for Christ with open heart and mind
Joshua 24:14-24; 1 Corinthians 5:8