True Friendship
So many broken promises by people that we know
Who say they'll always love us through the good and bad we sow
But when we need them most in times of our adversity
It seems there's neither hide nor hair of them that we can see
For most folks are just like that lots of talk but little show
And when the going gets real rough they think it's time to go
In some other direction than the path we're walking on
And just like that the ones we thought most near us end up gone
But that's not how it's meant to be in God's eternal plan
That started long before the day He breathed His life in man
It's not at all the way we'll be when Jesus comes again
As Master Maker of the hearts that then will know no sin
And that's not what's intended in how God would have us now
That's not what Jesus showed us when He tried to tell us how
His Kingdom will be populated with folks just like Him
Who will start long before He comes to have His heart in them
For if we can't be Christ-like in our words and actions here
If we are not the tried and true who always gather near
A brother or a sister who is struggling here below
How can we then be worthy of the glory God will show
To those who just like Jesus touched the leapers and the blind
Gave food to feed the hungry shared God's joy to calm the mind
Once torn by pain and circumstances beyond their control
That if not interceded for demand a deadly toll
And those who studied deeply in the Spirit of God's Word
To stand as His defense on earth when doubters could be heard
Promoting lies about the One Who gave His all for us
The One in Whom we daily seek and place in all our trust
For those are now the people who are there to hear our call
Who willingly without reserve will lay aside their all
To be there for the suffering and the one they call their friend
When those of shallow countenance just let that friendship end
And those will be the shining lights God sends to all the world
Who have the banner of His love before their path unfurled
So all who see them coming will know Jesus lives in them
By truth and reputation that they have the heart of Him
Isaiah 58:1-8; Proverbs 18:24; Matthew 25:31-46