Daddy's Hands and Feet
How comforting it is to know God's always had in mind
The path in life He's made for me that I've been blessed to find
Though often painful in the ways I've wandered on my own
He's always had His hand by mine so I was not alone
And always He has offered me that opportunity
To simply open up to Him and let Him live in me
As we together face each day in His strength hand in hand
Not failing always faithful to the work that He has planned
But sometimes I don't trust Him and I know it hurts Him so
To see the things I ponder and the way I choose to go
And for a moment I release my grip so I can see
Just how it feels to do those things I think will pleasure me
And always no exceptions just as sure as I was born
I stumble fail and falter as my soul is bruised and torn
And thinking there is no way God will ever have me back
I see through inspiration all those stripes that I still lack
That Christ has taken for me if by faith I turn to Him
And let Him place my hands in His to feel the scars in them
And see the precious evidence of love within His eyes
That glistens in each painful tear that draws me when He cries
From wanting to walk on my own as I have done before
That makes me want to feel His grace embrace me all the more
And lift me from my fallenness to stand upon His feet
Just like I did when I was young upon my Daddy's feet
As he would take my hands in His and walk me on His own
So that I could not stumble nor could feel the many stones
That He endured beneath His soles that shielded mine from them
As long as I held tight upon the love that came from Him
And trusted though it was a stretch at times to walk His stride
I never feared when He was there to want to go and hide
For He was mine and I was His invincible as one
He my almighty Father me His small and trusting son
So next time when discouraged should you think you're on your own
Remember God's hand's next to yours you do not walk alone
And if you will but open up your heart and let Him in
Then every step you take from here will be with Him again
Jeremiah 1:4-19; John 3:16-17