Living Sermon
I'd rather see a sermon than to hear one any day
In truth it's more of what one's done than what they care to say
For words come cheap and easy but the heart that's pure and true
Is focused not so much on words but things that they can do
To help another pilgrim in this journey known as life
To ease the heavy burdens that they carry through the strife
They face when simply trying to exist another day
To carve out some great meaning for the price they have to pay
In struggling with evil from the cradle to the grave
Not knowing there's a Saviour who paid all the day He gave
His life like ours by suffering our death upon that tree
That should have been the wages paid by all humanity
And how they need to understand more than that rugged cross
He rose to prove that by God's grace we need not suffer loss
Of life that is eternal that will be brand new again
For all who love and trust Him through the faith that they maintain
By not just prayer and study but by living what they know
By reaching out to those in need the love of God to show
Through feeding of the hungry giving shelter to the poor
By binding broken spirits through the help they're looking for
By strengthening the helpless with encouragement from Him
Who wrote that great love letter that we pause to read to them
With passion as He wrote it through the prophets long ago
But still carries the power of the love we need to know
That transforms those in darkness to be children of the Light
That strengthens all God's soldiers for that most important fight
Against the force of evil that still rules the hearts of men
To open up a channel that will let God's Spirit in
To make them more like Jesus Who did all that He could do
To share that glorious Gospel with the folks God brought Him to
Through ministry of healing and the feeding of their soul
Which is for those who follow Him their most important goal
Because when all is finished and this world we know is through
The ones who have been faithful through the works they chose to do
Will be the only people who will claim God's promise there
By living like their Saviour as a channel of God's care
Isaiah 58:6-12; Matthew 25:31-46; 1 Corinthians 12:23-27