Ignorance Has No Excuse
If in your blissful ignorance you choose to take a path
That leads from heaven's hope of life to God's vindictive wrath
Don't curse the Light you chose to leave for others to embrace
When given opportunity to learn about God's grace
For many think that ignorance will cover what they've done
The sins that they've committed that condemned God's only Son
And think not knowing will provide a golden avenue
As their excuse to not forsake the sinful things they do
But those who've heard the gospel just a little in the past
Have by their introduction been invited to the task
Of seeking even deeper into all that God has done
To grant to us salvation through the Gift of His dear Son
The Gift we cannot comprehend no matter how we try
No matter how we seek and pray and in our anguish cry
For what God did that fateful day on Calvary long ago
Will always be a mystery that only God will know
But though in depth a mystery we cannot comprehend
The bulk of what was done for us on which we must depend
Is clearly there for us to learn upon those pages white
To draw us from the darkness to the love that is God's Light
That fashions us for heaven in our place beside His throne
Where by His grace through living faith in Him we make our own
Inheritance in glory where the saints of God will shine
Where every sin we've ever done by blood is left behind
That blood that flowed on Calvary to prove God's Law was real
Based on immutability and not the way we feel
The Standard of His righteousness foundation of His throne
Embraced by all who choose to make Christ's character their own
Because they see that ignorance is not at all their bliss
But is in truth the devil's tool for such a time as this
To rob the souls of people who choose not to take a stand
But choose instead the thoughts of men who do not understand
That only full abandonment from self with all its greed
Will open up our hearts to Him Who fills our greatest need
And as we search and grow in Truth His grace will help us find
It's then and only then by grace we'll be like Christ in kind
Psalm 43; John 3:16-21