Grace At The Cross
With every step Christ took upon that mount called Calvary
He drew a little closer to the debt He paid for me
That debt for my salvation that no other one could pay
That by a life of purity enabled Him to pay
A life that's not impossible for you and me to do
When we through faith allow His grace to flow through me and you
That grace so few have focused on and fewer comprehend
But is the mighty power of God on which we can depend
That starts for every person long before they are conceived
Before there was a place called earth that we have since received
And over time developed through the choices we have made
To be most comprehensive in the debt for which it paid
And also to be wholly all we'd need to be like Him
That power for conversion that God gives to all of them
Who choose not to be drawn apart from following His Way
But rather to be made as one in all we do and say
One with Him in His body that we know to be the church
That by His grace has everything for which we need to search
Embodied in the Bible where the words of life are found
The Standard for salvation also known as holy ground
As therein is God's Spirit waiting daily just for us
If we will lay all else aside and place in Him our trust
And listen with attentive ears to all that He will say
Enough to give us life and peace for every passing day
That we can share with others who know not our God of love
Know not of the redemption that the scriptures tell us of
That has no limitation only as we set in place
By our constant refusal to accept His loving grace
And by our constant searching where the Truth cannot be found
In places of distraction with activity and sound
That offer more of nothing that defeats us in the end
When grace was always waiting for the ones who will depend
On God and on His Bible where the Word of life is real
Where true life lives in confidence and not the way we feel
The confidence that made each step our Saviour took that day
When on the cross of Calvary He washed our sins away
Hebrews 1:1-3; Matthew 10:38; 16:24-27; Mark 15:20-25; Luke 9:23-26