Made Like Us
Now listen to this story how the Saviour of all men
Did give with great abundance grace to save us from our sin
How when there was no other way to meet the Law's demand
He left His throne as God above and came to earth as man
As Man Who was our equal in a way we can't explain
Though fully God He placed on Him the garb of one most plain
No royal robes of honor just a pure and sinless soul
To live as our Example that in Him we can be whole
In Him by our obedience when once we see His love
He showered down in Sacrifice to draw us up above
Where as one royal family we all might be like Him
Revealing by experience His grace to all of them
Who've not been blessed as we have to behold the Lamb of God
As in the scriptures we can see the path the Saviour trod
And how He dwelt with others healing all of their disease
And humbled self by spending time abundant on His knees
To seek His Father's blessing and direction for each day
Again as our Example as this is the only Way
To know with His assurance we will not a failure be
As long as we spend time each day with Him on bended knee
As Christ did seeking guidance for the path that we must trod
Receiving light to share with those who've not spent time with God
Who've not been blessed to know Him as their Saviour Lord and King
The One alone Who by His grace provides us everything
We need to be like Jesus though in truth we're not divine
If linked with Him through daily prayer we too might have His mind
And live the Way He lived before when He was living here
No more a slave to doubt and sin no more a slave to fear
For when we know the Saviour as we're privileged to do
The Way He knew the Father Whom He died to lead us to
The glory of His presence though unseen is still our own
And will be by our living before others surely known
For He will live within us as His Spirit lived in Him
To bring the light of heaven by God's grace to all of them
Who likewise will be tender to His promptings from above
Revealed with great abundance by His grace through us in love
Romans 5:17-21; 8:1-4; Hebrews 2:14-17