In Tune With God
The depth of the experience that God would have with us
Is deeper than the deepest love we have with those we trust
It's deeper in significance than anything we've known
Than any bond with anyone upon this earth we've sown
For He Who is Almighty and eternal in Himself
Who gave Himself upon the cross when there was no way else
Still longs to be as one with us if we will let Him in
And let Him take away that yoke that binds us still to sin
And when we let His Spirit in the way He has designed
Have shown by what we do and say from sin we have resigned
He'll start a work in us that goes beyond what we conceive
A work that glorifies His name in those who will believe
A work that is established not on our imaginings
But on eternity itself where all the happenings
Are managed by the One true God that rules the universe
With love that's found in freedom that can never be reversed
For when God has the freedom to be active in one's soul
To work His mighty miracles in those who would be whole
He takes that full submission and by grace helps them to see
There is no limitation in what He can make them be
For He becomes their wisdom He becomes their pure desire
His love ignites a passion like an all consuming fire
That burns down deep within their soul and fuels them everyday
With deeper stronger love for those they meet along their way
And even more it makes in them a light that others see
A light that burns with brightness in the dark perversity
That now consumes this sin filled world but not for very long
As soon our Saviour will return to make right what was wrong
As then those who were favored through the choices that they made
To be one with their Saviour through the Price that He has paid
Will see the consummation of the love they cherished here
When from the grave and broken earth they'll rise to gather near
The throne of God Almighty next to Him they longed to see
With Whom they had such precious times each day on bended knee
While waiting for His coming that is sure to be here soon
The One Who kept their heart as one with His in perfect tune
John 14:1-17; Romans 8:1-17