Sometimes we hang a picture of a person on a wall
A person from a golden past who finally gave their all
Who loved with all their passion those who knew to love them back
Who gave us precious memories of which we'll never lack
We hang them to remember all the things that we went through
The things that we together living joyfully would do
We hang them so that memory will stay with us as long
As we draw breath and have the will to pass those things along
But memories though precious never can replace the days
We lived and walked together sharing life in many ways
Nor can they bring them back again the way they used to be
The way we once remembered we so hoped that we might see
And if they could remake them in the ways they were before
Could make them once again as we remembered having more
A grasp of every moment not o'ercome with suffering
Would that be what we wanted in this life that we're living
In truth I think we wouldn't want to live the past at all
I think we'd really rather live in hope of that great call
When from the clouds of glory Christ revives the ones we've lost
The ones He loves far more than we for whom He paid the cost
Of having them emblazoned in the halls of memory
As promise at His coming He could bring them back to see
Their loved ones filled with passion for the new life they will have
The new life with our Saviour once again to walk the path
That He's prepared before them but not as it was before
Not through the pain and sorrows that this old life had in store
But through the realms of glory where each moment they will see
Another that will follow throughout all eternity
And each day will be followed by another bright and new
With more things than the other that they're wanting there to do
Yet knowing time won't matter there'll be plenty yet to come
As He Who is the Author of all time still holds the sum
Of endless years and places that He's wanting us to see
In purest whole perfection that He's planned for us to be
Far better than the pictures that we hang on memory's wall
For then we'll have the promise that He purchased with His all
Daniel 12:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18