Live What We Believe Give What We Receive
By grace He waited patiently in hope they might receive
The many precious lessons He had taught them to believe
But foolishly they pondered lessons from the other side
From those who were in leadership where Truth did not abide
Though daily in His actions they could see the Spirit move
And every moment by His words His lips would only prove
His heart was like His Father's heart with love and grace for men
As He in mercy placed Himself where He could touch their sin
Exposing what they needed most to wash their filth away
How love for Him would motivate their thoughts on Him to stay
Them fearless in the battle with the devil for their soul
That they might be reflective of the One Who makes men whole
And by their pure reflection as they sacrificed their all
Would be a light to others who still suffer from the fall
Who likewise feel God's Spirit moving them to want to pray
That He would take their darkness and give them the light of day
That day that's in the future but not all that far from now
When all that's laid before us will reveal the why and how
Of where our lives have brought us and events that we've been through
That we by grace might have the faith to do what we must do
To share with other pilgrims who've been on that path as well
That was for us a blessing though we thought it more from hell
As suffering in darkness made us grateful for the Light
More grateful than the common man who'd never known the night
When all seemed lost and hopeless til the Saviour heard them plead
For someone who knew Jesus to bow down and intercede
That God by their injunction would be able then to prove
The power of His presence and their darkness there remove
So they too were made able by experience to be
His instruments of righteousness and pure integrity
To share His love with others who like them have lost their way
And only need assurance God still hears them when they pray
And will remove their burden will take all their guilt away
As they receive the pardon for which Jesus had to pay
And live as lights from heaven God intends we all should be
When we accept His pardon that was paid on Calvary
John 14:1-17; Matthew 10:8