No Greater Love
No greater love hath mortal man than for a friend to die
But when it comes to Jesus Christ I have to wonder why
So many turn against Him and the words He had to speak
And focus not upon His grace but more on being weak
For though Christ was specific in the things He had to say
Of what would draw us close to Him while living day to day
It seems so many who believe He was the Son of God
Refuse to follow in the path He chose that we must trod
The path of His obedience that walks by faith not sight
That listens with attentive ear to precious words of light
Emitting from the Bible God's most perfect Word to us
Upon which we must place our hope if in Him we will trust
Those words of inspiration penned by Godly men of old
Who would not in their darkest hour by sin be bought or sold
But stood alone upon the Word that God had given them
To bear the light of righteousness and draw the world to Him
That Word that is established not on men but on God's Law
Where in the angels up above stand fixed in holy awe
Perceiving deeper beauty in the glory that they see
Emitting from God's perfect Law designed for you and me
His Law that is immortal as its essence is in Him
Who sits upon His mighty throne with glorious diadem
And rules all of creation from the atom to the suns
And offers us a resting place if we will be the ones
Who live in His communion daily focused on His Word
Not following what others say of what things they have heard
But what we see in scripture as in prayer we stay with Christ
Who loved us and yet loves us still that He would pay the Price
Of death for sins committed that could not be rectified
Unless the one who broke God's Law paid with their life and died
Eternal separation from the Father Son and Ghost
A child no more of promise with no place among the host
Of those who truly love Him who most willingly would die
Before they would accept the fate of others who would lie
And say God's Law's not binding when in truth it binds to Him
The precious souls He died to save when He gave all for them
Psalm 1; John 15:12-4; 14:15, 21