Just Once
I said that once that only once I'd do it just one time
Until by twice and after thrice I do it all the time
That thing I said I'd never do that I so much abhorred
Now seems to be the very thing by me that's most adored
And so it goes from this to that until all strength is gone
And what was once a life of good seems all together wrong
As in my heart temptation bears a stronger way in me
Than principles of righteousness and living decently
For there's a war where battles rage to form my destiny
Between the Lord Who loves us most and our great enemy
These battles of temptation that seem innocent at first
That subtly persuade us to become our very worst
Until if peradventure that satanic entity
Can cause us to commit the sin in our iniquity
That steels us in our heart of hearts to turn the Lord away
And leaves us lost and all alone to face the judgement day
But even though I've fallen even though I've gone astray
There's still a hand that's open to embrace me in the Way
A hand that's scarred and calloused from the work it's had to do
To gain this soul's salvation if I really want it to
And with that hand an arm that's strong much stronger than my sin
That will if I allow it to lift me to start again
Again not as one fallen but as one who's been redeemed
No longer in my filthy past but by the Lord esteemed
As His blood purchased sacrifice who seeks each day to live
Within His perfect atmosphere His perfect love to give
To others who like me have failed and fallen in the way
But now by grace experience His presence everyday
That looks beyond temptation to the goal beyond the sky
Where all who once were lost are saved with Him to never die
But live in joy and holiness that started even here
When faith embraced the only One Who wipes away our fear
And gives us hope and promise that each day He'll always be
The One to stand right by our side to give us victory
That will no longer give in once but will instead hold true T
o Him Who gave His all for us to live through me and you
Colossians 1:19-29; Romans 12:1, 2