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A Greater Love Than This.

A greater love than this has never been seen

Either on a digital TV or multi movie screen.

On that day, Good Friday

As Jesus hung; prayers were prayed; hymns sung

The real salvific work of redemption had just begun.

A greater love than this has never been seen

Either on a laptop, iPad or smart phone screen.

On that day, Good Friday

As we hid our faces as it were as Isaiah declared

From the blood-soaked body of Jesus suffering abhorred.

A greater love than this has never been seen

At any time this side of eternity

Which leaves us all with one certainty.

On that day, Good Friday

That the Lords love for us will always be free.

A greater love than this has never been seen

From the first moment of our life through conception

To when the last moments of our life dissipate and disappear.

On that day, Good Friday

The reality will be exactly as the gospel proclaims.

A greater love than this has never been seen

Above all other deity dreams and claims.

On that day, Good Friday

Life will never be the same again

We will be in Heaven for ever and ever.

A greater love than this has never been seen

On that day, Good Friday

You will sing God is my salvation

I will trust and not be afraid

Praise the Lord, call upon His name, Amen.

Hugh K Henderson <><

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