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Come to Me

You who live by their own nature and strength.

Come to Me

Those who are sore, who can never walk again.

Come to Me

Who cannot remain in their self ever again.

Come to Me

All who are weak, bones brittle, who are not complete.

Come to Me

Who are in pain, who want to live again, weary, heavy laden.

Come to Me

The driven and burdened, whatever your addiction, affliction.

Come to Me

The disowned, unclaimed, medication misusers, solvent abusers.

Come to Me

All on the streets, street walkers, sex slaves, all under their own power.

Come to Me

So that I Jesus, can take you into my hands

Break you as bread

Pour you out as a drink offering

To feed the empty stomachs and quench the thirst of thousands

To do all that I want you to do, in My Name

To say all that I want you to say, in My Name

For old things must pass away

So all things become new.

Come to Me

Come to Me

I have a place for you, things for you to do.

Hugh K Henderson <><

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