Visions and declarations are powerful tools of the Kingdom. Have you taken the time to write down the purpose of your writing? What do you want it to accomplish? What has God laid on your heart for your words? Take the time to write your own declaration. One of mine is below:
Today, I declare that God is doing a new thing in me (Is. 43:19). He is pushing me in directions I have not ventured-- for the sake of His glory. I will not be afraid to explore the creativity He has placed within me. I will remember that I am not my own (I Cor. 16:19-20), and that all of my gifts are His investments (Matt. 25:14-30) to be used for His Kingdom purposes.
With the help of the Holy Spirit, I refuse to find my significance solely in the affirmation of others. I fix my eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith (Heb. 12:2), and I run my race with endurance (Hebrews 12:1-2). I take time to pray as I produce, asking the Lord for His will to be done in the earth through my words. My words are powerful because they are His tools, not my own.
As I write, I will speak words of light into dark places, trusting and relying upon the Lord Jesus to open doors I don't even know exist yet! I look forward to what He will do in me and through me!