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Where my poetry is found.

I would like to let you know that I have a poetry group on Facebook called POETRY OF LIFE, Life lessons BY Peggy Jeanine Woody. It is poem to the public, so you don't have to join. You can share any of my poetry if you feel it will help someone.

I also published my first book of poetry, showing how God brought me through 2 of the worse days of my life. The name is IN THE SHADOW OF A RAINBOW. the subtitle is. FINDING THE GOOD IN GRIEF.

The first day was in 1992, when my 22 year old son lost both feet, portions of both legs and a finger at the scene of a car accident. We grieved the loss of our intact son. You do grieve the loss of parts of your child. He came through it and survived for 18 years. In 2010 he passed away from a massive heartattack!

The book is available on Amazon under the title and my name, Peggy Jeanine Woody.

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