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Trust in God to surpass troubles in life

Writer's picture: Carol-Ann LaneCarol-Ann Lane

Do we trust God to guide us? Knowing that Jesus Christ is the Savior and light to the world – Do we forget to live with hope and unconditional love?

I’m reminded of a passage by Luke 5:4, [Jesus] said to Peter “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.”

Have you ever followed your heart, knowing you had a purpose to fulfill, but you were too afraid?

Why are people afraid to follow their dreams? Well for practical purposes there could be many obstacles – like responsibilities to family, children, money, age, time, talent, education, probably the list goes on. Why worry about it?

If you have a burning desire to follow a dream, you feel you have a purpose then Do it! That burning desire is the Holy Spirit within you – guiding you to that purpose. Don’t be afraid about following that purpose – God will handle the troubles and all the details. However, in order for your purpose to come to fruition you need to trust God.

A word of caution – Be careful not to follow the wrong purpose. Greed, revenge, anger, stress, pride – if your dream involves that – you may need to do a thorough survey of your dreams and find the right one. You don’t have to become a Trappist monk to follow God’s will. God’s will for you will have no stress. Your purpose will also take time so you must be patient. Ask God to show you the way and He will; as much as and as fast as you can handle.

Also don’t give in to the naysayers around you. You don’t have to explain to anyone other than God why you are pursuing your dream. The Holy Spirit within you will shine with your purpose. It’s all about having hope. Many people followed the Holy Spirit and found their purpose.

God has given each of us an abundance of gifts – do not be afraid to find those gifts and follow your purpose. I’m reminded of a bible passage from the Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians (4-6),


    “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of these in everyone.”


Let the Holy Spirit be activated within you so that you can shine with Hope, Joy, Peace, and Love. All of these virtues were intended for each and every person from God, not just during the weeks of Advent and on Christmas Day, but every moment in our lives.  Remember every day is a gift that’s why we call it the present. Don’t ever waste a day. Love, especially love continues into Lent. Don’t forget to read further as I am currently writing the second book to my healing/self-help series. I hope to release it soon. Watch for details.

Act now!

God compels us to action, to be motivated towards achieving our goals. Through God’s love for us. The Holy Spirit is activated within us to “DO” what God wants. To heed that call means we are working with our holy spirit. We are working with God, doing His will.

Each of us have gifts from God. God gives us free will to choose whether or not we want to use those gifts. If you choose not to use the gifts you could lose great opportunities to shine.

The messages of Advent: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love are not just for the four weeks of Advent. Those messages will last you a lifetime, remaining with you every day.

Christmas – the birth of Jesus Christ – is the Light to the world. If you have any burdens, worries, or stress, lay them at Jesus’ feet.

Lent will be upon us soon - An unconditional love from Jesus Christ. Remember you are never alone.

Do not give in to temptations, worry, stress, or darkness. God does not intend you to live life like this. Act now by following God’s will. He will help you with effortless steps.

Here are some tips and words of wisdom.

>>Like yourself, I have experienced many challenges in life, some unthinkable. Some of my health challenges, even my team of doctors couldn’t explain how I had the positive strength to surmount those challenges. When life throws you massive curve balls don’t let them crush you. Curve balls in my life have been many. Ranging from bullying, losses, major illness, and more. I got through them, and you can too. How did you face your challenges and move forward?

>>Find your inner talent. Ask God to show you the way. Trust in God. He will not let you down. Everything happens for a reason. Learn from every moment, every person you meet, and every spoken word. Take heart in this and move forward. Trust God and let the Holy Spirit be activated within you.

>>Don’t give in. Life will have challenges. Sometimes you have to embrace those challenges, but God will help you carry them.

>>Everyone has a purpose in life. A purpose which intends to use the gifts God has bestowed upon you. Follow God’s will. He will never let you down.

>>Have patience. The path may not be easy ahead. Trust God and follow the Light. God knows the right path for you.

>>It is good and healthy to pursue our passions and dreams but sometimes we need to put things into perspective in life.

There needs to be a balance to avoid going overboard into the deep end. You know what I mean.  Burning the candle at both ends is not healthy to do.

Similar ways of positive thinking and improving your life with happiness, less stress, better health, and hope are contained in my newly released debut book, “A Star in the Distance” and positive steps toward healing will also be included in the second book of my series for your Lenten Journey - Coming Soon!

I have packaged many of these words of wisdom in my debut book: “A Star in the Distance: Discovering Ways of hearing God’s message in Advent and Christmas and beyond.” and my second Lenten book (Coming soon!!) Find information, endorsements, my book details and my bookmarks from my website 

Don’t miss my upcoming Talkshow podcast Thurs. Jan. 18 - 9pm EST!

If you can dial in to a USA long distance number I will provide you with a free guest audience ticket to my show. It is first come first served, as I only have twenty (20) guest tickets available. Please send me an EMAIL no later than Thursday 12noon if you want a ticket for the show.

Coming Soon!

I am currently writing a Lenten journey book - the second book to the series “A Star in the Distance”. You won’t want to miss this Self-Help, Healing book through your Lenten journey. I will also be launching my collection of true inspirational stories in early 2024. I will post on social media and through this newsletter details of the future launch, author signing events, and author talk events on my website.

Stay tuned for more information on my inspirational short story collection, but you can get a glimpse of one of my short stories that was published by a Christian magazine called Agape Review. My story, “A Wall of Flames” can be found on my website and in the Christian magazine at Agape Review "A Wall of Flames"

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Shira Garnett
Shira Garnett
Jan 17, 2024

Thank you for sharing this, Carol❤️


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