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The truth about not knowing, 'Why'?

Sometimes things happen in life that we just don't expect.

We don't expect to get that phone call...

We don't expect to loss a family member to drug addiction, alcohol abuse, cancer, domestic violence...

We don't expect to loss our homes because of financial hardship, foreclosure...

We don't expect to loss that job, promotion...

We don't expect to loss physical mobility after that car accident, diagnosis...

In all these things that we don't expect, life continues to go on. Often times, many people become very upset and angry with God.

The One we've put our trust in before the unfortunate happens. The One we trusted and had faith to see us through.

The One we question, WHY!?

We all have our WHY questions.

Questions that never quite seem to get a solid answer, a satisfying answer, an answer that actually makes sense.

Jesus also asked God, why?

Even in Jesus' questioning, then and even now, we understand why the Son of Man had to die.

For you and for me.

His death and resurrection brought

clarity to the hopeless, helpless - to those who sit in darkness expecting to see the great light.

Although we may never get total satisfaction to all our expectancies, one thing is for sure, the Lord will give us answers to all our questions when we meet Him face to face.

Whether we're Saved or not saved.

We will met our maker. Then, we will know all things.

Scripture References:

Psalm 22:1

Matthew 4:16

1 Corinthians 13:12

2 Corinthians 5:10

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