Parents only wanted what they knew would be the very best
Dreams for their children to be so much better than their own
For them to be happier, more fulfilled, and have a life that is blessed
Hoping love and goodness would blossom from what was shown
To teach the right things and see them live out what they were taught
Yet, to see them struggle with burdens and then watch them stumble
Good works were not enough, and spiritual lessons were not always sought
Could the teachers’ flaws have caused some of their pieces to crumble
Hoping they would only see all the shiny parts and not the tarnish
That the light of moral ways would illuminate the road to a bright future
But everyone possesses some imperfections in need of a new varnish
That can only be washed clean with the Son’s forgiveness and nurture
Failure to share the Word, the lamp for their feet and light of life
A key to why they might not know it has to be God’s will and His way
The only certainty is to find forgiveness in a world where sins are rife
So graciously provided to anyone that asks Him in their heart to stay
Strength can be found in the Lord to overcome trials and transgressions
Ultimately a child’s life is not for Mom and Dad to choose or decide
True destiny begins with belief, prayer, and heartfelt confessions
A narrow path is always there if they choose to walk by His side
With age comes wisdom, but never as wise as seen through God’s eyes
Look through His and be blinded by the light that will set paths straight
Feel the power of a new Spirit that will guide your life to heavenly skies
Remain faithful, follow Jesus, and your one true Father; His truth awaits