I see your smile,
I hear you laugh,
I feel your love
In the breeze that just passed!
I know you are here
I know you are free,
Not bound to that wheelchair,
Nor your hands and knee!
God spoke to me,
And shared how you are,
You're perfect now
With not even one scar!
You are whole,
No longer in dread
No need for legs,
You are flying, instead!
I sense much joy,
Where pain used to be,
I hear your laughter,
Blow through the trees!
I was so angry
when you first left,
I needed shelter
In God's cleft
I asked God
To tell me why,
He took you home
To your home in the sky!
Said He, to me.
I loved him complete
No need for his wheelchair,
He soars in relief!
Shawn, wait patiently,
For us to come,
And be with you,
And God's holy Son
I can just see you,
Flitting around,
You are so free,
No longer earthbound!
Oh what a blessing
It had to be
That day you woke up,
In Heaven, so free!
I almost hear,
The shout of your voice,
As you entered Heaven,
And began to rejoice!
One day I heard,
Your "CACKLING" laugh,
As I thought of humor
You had in the past!
Wherever I went,
I felt you near
God convinced me
There was no need to fear!
I'm so happy
No more phantom pain
You had enough,
In this life, what a shame!
Oh how I love you,
We now wait alone
To be with you, again
When God calls us home!
Peggy Jeanine Woody
May 28, 2019