Everyone is looking for peace
Everyone is looking for contentment
Turn your heart to JESUS
The LAMB of GOD who was sent
Come all who are weary
And heavy laden and I will give you rest
There is nothing more we can ask for
The LORD gives us nothing but the best
CHRIST offers all
Life rich and fulfilling
All GOD asks is that we accept
We must be completely willing
Take up our cross
Follow JESUS each day
To lead us on our way
CHRIST offered HIS life on earth
For our deepest, darkest sin
However you choose JESUS
Before your last breath
This is life’s most important decision
Guard your heart against satan
He will attempt to cloud your vision
Choose CHRIST JESUS, HE promises life, power and strength
© copyright 2009 Thomas W. Danner

NOTHING BUT THE BEST © copyright 2009 Thomas W. Danner