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He says, "I am with you always"

God is love, and daily He calls in search of His beloved,

Making subtle, yet powerful advances to draw us to His extravagant love!

He longs to clothe and shield us under His wings,

so we are perpetually hidden from the deeds, knowledge and thought,

that so easily besets and derail us from His presence.

He reaches out, not always to strangers, but often those estranged.

He says, "I am here, I am standing at the door, knocking!"

For those who hear and respond, He comes in to feast,

offering Living Water, so often longed for, without realisation.

Unfathomably captivated, we are emboldened to testify before many about 'The Way, The Truth and The Life.

In freedom, we grow, for He says,

"Ask and it will be given to you,

seek and you will find;

knock, and it will be opened to you!"

Re-birthed by His Spirit, borne out of deep repentance,

We follow Jesus! No longer conformed but transformed into His image.

Our purpose and destinies re-aligned in obedient surrender to His cause; a desire for His presence and a passion for souls, overflow in readiness for our response!

He says, "Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the end of the earth your possession."

His design - Our Commission; "Go....!"

His ransomed possession, once pursued, now in relentless pursuit of His love, so as to give it away, again and again!

Love entwined, never to leave and true to His promise;

Jesus says, "Surely, I am with you always, to the very end of age!"

Scriptural Inspiration: Psalm 2:8, Rev 3:20, Luke 11:9-13, Matthew 28:18-20

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