Behold, here comes the King
Behold, His glorious throne
His power and majesty
Forever reveals His Own
Hail Heaven’s praise song
Hail Heaven’ anthem song
Fills the earth
Fills the earth
He is risen
He is risen
Today, today
The tomb is empty
And He’s exalted
On high, on high
Jesus, Jesus, The Eternal King
Is Here
Here we stand awe
Hands raised high we shout
Hark the Herald’s chorus sings
Glory to our Risen King
Forgiven hearts in worship of
His Redeeming Love
His Redeeming Love
The grace of the Lamb
The grace of the Lamb
He is risen
He is risen
Today, today
The tomb is empty
And He’s exalted
On high, on high
Jesus, Jesus, The Eternal King
Is Here
He is here
Afua Richardson-Parry 4/04/21
This is beautifully written, Afua!