The Temple
When reading in the scriptures of that place in history
When Solomon the chosen king God made for Him to be
The builder of His temple where His presence was to dwell
The image of what then took place no tongue can truly tell
Proclaimed among the wonders of the world until this time
There really are no pictures of that temple so sublime
And yet it held the honor of possessing in its room
The One Who would much later be laid in a stone cold tomb
My mind just cannot fathom what this all should mean to me
How something cold and earthly could contain divinity
No matter if a temple made of gold and precious jewels
Or in a hole within a rock carved out by workman's tools
And yet what's more amazing as the scriptures tell as well
God's presence has another awesome place it also dwells
A place that's closer yet to me if what they say is true
That place that's found within the heart of me as well as you
When we choose to be chosen for the work God wants to see
Performed before His coming to receive that company
Of faithful folks that turned from being what they once had been
To following the Lamb of God Who takes away our sin
And giving Him our temple as that place where He might live
Revealing every day in us the gifts He wants to give
Of life and love of peace and grace that only can be found
When meeting every morning with our God on holy ground
Whereon He builds His temple giving us a sure repose
To strengthen and enable us to do the work He chose
That's often very different from what we anticipate
But in His timing perfect never early or too late
For God sees every moment from the past to what's to be
And orders every thing to happen just as He can see
Is best for His great purpose in providing for mankind
The opportunity to be one body heart and mind
With Him Who has no equal but Who makes us one with Him
Who sees us for what we might be not through the eyes of them
Who've yet to understand His temple and His presence there
That's always been embodied most in heart felt earnest prayer
2 Chronicles 2:1-4:22; Matthew 12:6; 1 Corinthians 3:11-17