Without Bias
How often do we look upon the people that we see
And judge if they are worthy by appearance or degree
Of honor or rejection without knowing them at all
Without the slightest effort to envision how the fall
Has had effect upon them through inheritance or choice
And therein fail to listen to the Spirit's still small voice
To minister unto them as He's wanting us to do
To see the love of Jesus working through both me and you
How often shown we preference for status rank or wealth
Not knowing what's behind the face or how that person felt
About us or our purpose God's ordained for being here
To share with those less honored what the world needs most to hear
The Gospel of His Kingdom where no honor's paid at all
To those who have not listened to our great Redeemer's call
Who have not humbly chosen to be like Him Who from birth
Displayed His love through service while among us here on earth
For everyone He saw possessed for Him a common need
To hear of His great Kingdom and the warning all must heed
To focus on those values that have lasting consequence
That bring to others blessing not a reason for offense
And everyone to Him was someone caught within the grasp
Of Satan's play and folly that would end in death at last
Without that hope of glory God is wanting all to see
Revealed in those who daily walk with Him in purity
That purity renewed in every moment that we live
Observing by His Spirit how to others we might give
A better sweeter answer for the reason that we're here
Not falling to that bias from some others we might hear
That only sees the outside when the inside's most in need
Of being won to Jesus through the blood that He did bleed
Not for one tribe or nation but for all humanity
That all might have that promised Home for all eternity
And live as one together focused on the plan God gave
And illustrated for us through the Lamb He sent to save
All people poor or wealthy who would give their all for Him
Who ruled the endless galaxies but gave His all for them
James 2:1-10; Hebrews 2:1-18