The Price of Separation
The distance that we often feel between ourselves and God
Is often just a consequence of paths we choose to trod
Not caused by His rejection as we're tempted oft to feel
But truly filled with danger should we fail to gain His seal
For only with the seal of God will we be welcomed in
To where the saints of God will dwell without the stain of sin
To live His life eternal where in glory we will shine
Because when tried and tempted we gave Him our heart and mind
To be His holy dwelling place reflective of His love
That place wherein His Spirit dwells like on His throne above
With full command and majesty embraced in songs of praise
Of those who have the promise He will come again and raise
The faithful from their dusty grave where they have slept at peace
Completely unaware of life until that great release
When at Christ's second coming all the saints of God will rise
And will together with the saved look fully in the eyes
Of Him Who never left them never held them at arms length
But waited ever patiently for them to find the strength
That's found in simply speaking out His name in simple faith
That longs to have His perfect peace that comes with Godly grace
That daily is pursuing us to hear the Shepherd's call
To lay aside our fearfulness and give to Him our all
Releasing hold of worldliness and every taint of sin
That now controls the world at large and all the hearts of men
Who will not to be open to the wondrous love of God
That longs to give us wisdom in the paths He'd have us trod
And eyes to see His presence in the ways that He will lead
When we commit our all to Him and faithfully will heed
The prompting of His Spirit that was there when Jesus died
That suffered with Christ's agony when He was crucified
And feels the pain and suffering that each of us goes through
When we feel lost and lonely as the lost of earth will do
Unless they choose to render all they have and all they are
To Him Who suffered for their sins to ever bear the scars
To be their soul reminder of the Sacrifice He made
Removing separation by the perfect Price He paid
Hebrews 2:14-18