A Mother's Hands
The hands that rock the cradle mend the clothes and cook the meals
That softly touch the fevered brow to see how hot it feels
That stroke their precious little one until the break of day
That write the words that make the list of those for whom they pray
Are hands that have a purpose only they on earth can fill
Ordained of God to do the work reflective of His will
Providing love and sympathy compassion truth and grace
And always there to dry the tears upon their young one's face
For these hands are extensions from a heart that's one with God
Who lovingly touched every life while He was on this sod
With life and light from heaven for the humble and the few
Who in their hearts responded to the good that He would do
And these hands of the mother who has set her life aside
To be while they are needed as a teacher friend and guide
The instruments of service in their service to the King
Providing as they're gifted to their children everything
That by God's grace He's shown them are most needful in this life
To place in them the wisdom that is needed in the strife
That will most surely meet them as they live from day to day
The way that God would have them as reflective of the Way
The Way their mother taught them from the cradle to her grave
Not seeing as a sacrifice the all of life she gave
But thankfully rejoicing for the time she had to be
The mother and prayer warrior in her precious family
So for these hands that held us and for some are holding still
We thank our God for giving us the lesson of His will
That we might learn of heaven and the beauties we will share
When with our Godly mother we will walk and listen there
To thoughts that were recorded by the angels long before
When hands that rocked the cradle wished that they could do far more
To give their child assurance that their life would be alright
Through every pain and sickness and those sometimes endless nights
And that they'd live forever with the One Who paid the Price
The One Who bought eternal life with His great Sacrifice
But that will be the gift we bring in thankfulness to them
When we give all of what we are the way they did to Him
Exodus 20:12; Leviticus 19:3-4; 1 Kings 3:16-28