Soldier Father Teacher
A soldier father teacher will be laid to rest today
One noted for the goodness in the things that he would say
One loved by oh so many for the things that he would do
Who never hurt another with the hurtful things he knew
This man who was a soldier who held high the Saviour's cross
Who prayed each day in silence that his loved ones be not lost
Who held his wife the closest as they faced the enemy
Together as one body to protect their family
One body bound together by their love for Jesus Christ
Who in their hearts abided as the One Who paid the Price
For them and for their children and for all the ones they knew
Whom God in love appointed that together they go to
And oh that loving teacher that in everyone could see
A soul once held in bondage that was needing to be free
To give themselves expression to discover who they were
Through learning and through writing as their spirit he would stir
With thoughts of grandest freedom from the bondage of their past
To have a place in heaven where their crowns at last they'll cast
Before the throne of Jesus Who they learned so well to know
Through how His loving Presence in this teacher once did show
This teacher who was often held by others in esteem
Though in himself he never saw a reason they should deem
Him as above another for some things that he had done
As in his mind we're all to be reflective of the Son
The Son of God and righteousness that he had come to know
From years of close devotion as his character did show
And Whom with every confidence we're sure that he will see
When Christ returns in glory to defeat the enemy
And raise those bound in slumber who are waiting in the grave
The ones who were the soldiers parents teachers He did save
Who fought and loved and taught the world of God's undying love
And how God would be coming soon to take them all above
Where in one joyous chorus as one great big family
With all their other loved ones they will thrill so much to see
And praise the name of Jesus Whom in life they knew so well
With words full of expression in this life they tried to tell
John 11:24-25; 1 Peter 1:3-8