Severed Head
While tilling in the garden with my mind on other things
I saw a little flower that reminded me of spring
Twas just a dandelion with its glowing face of gold
But oh how great the lesson that this little one did hold
You see by time I saw it I had just tilled through that ground
Where lay that dandelion with the golden face I found
And all that was remaining of that flower I did see
Was just the severed head that had been severed there by me
And yet though it was severed and just lying there alone
Amidst the brown around it with the mix of earth and stone
It still was not diminished in the beauty I could see
But held there in its beauty a true lesson just for me
A lesson about being who and what you're made to be
No matter what the circumstance in others you might see
No matter how they treat you or the hurtful things they say
No matter if they threaten you or take your life away
Because what God has made you and has placed within your life
That forms the world around you with its challenges and strife
Is only temporary when compared with what He's planned
That will comprise forever for the ones who choose to stand
By grace through faith beside Him on the tenets of His Word
Not bowing to the ways of men and things that they have heard
That twist and turn the scriptures to support what they believe
That draw us from the Treasure God has promised we'll receive
If we like faithful Joshua and Caleb long ago
Refuse to hide the Truth as all the world has need to know
The message for the hour that Christ's coming's very near
And those who go to Canaan will be those who living here
Have not failed in their mission to reveal to all around
The message of salvation that in Christ alone is found
Through loving and by living as our Saviour did before
A faithful firm example of what God is looking for
To be that dandelion clearly known for what we are
A flower born of heaven with our home beyond the stars
Where we'll be known forever as forever we will be
Transformed into the likeness of the Rose of Calvary
Numbers 13:17-14:11; James 1:19-27