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Daily Devotional

He Washed Their Feet

We come all dressed in gaiety with bright exciting hues

Adorned in all the fashion that the worldly mind would choose

For Easter is a happy time so many people say

But rarely do we stop and think what Jesus had to pay

And how His preparation on that week would coincide

With all the scripture's prophesies the Bible has inside

From His triumphal entrance to His teaching in the street

Down to His humble action when He washed His traitor's feet

And how that voice in heaven from His Father came to earth

Assuring all this was His Son though born of humble birth

And He would soon be glorified before the eyes of men

When they would have Him crucified to take away their sin

But though we don't consider the significance of this

Does that excuse or pardon us for what we choose to miss

Or does it bring more meaning to what Jesus had to say

About the deepest anguish we will feel on judgement day

If we neglect the meaning of the message that He shared

When with a towel and basin He showed us how much He cared

That we should be His servants to repeat what He had done

Though none could be above Him for He is the Father's Son

And if we do repeat Him in this action on our knees

Do we stop and consider just exactly what God sees

Have we the common burden of our fellow on our heart

Or are we simply acting so that we might be a part

Of what the crowd is doing like we do in other ways

Assuming by our actions we'll receive the good it pays

And when Christ comes in glory it won't be the heart He sees

But just the outward action as we knelt upon our knees

No all things are connected without one the building falls

God's love is our foundation when upon our heart He calls

Upon which our love's built upon for others that we see

That's sheltered when we bow to serve in love upon our knee

Because our Master told us to if we would be like Him

Embracing what He's called us for to touch the lives of them

Who've never seen the emblem of God's love so shared before

By those who claim the love of Christ is what their living for

John 12:12-33; 13:1-17

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