The size of an amoeba insignificant at best
Is for the evolutionist a very trying test
Though just a simple single cell it really is complex
Designed by an intelligence poor science tries to vex
For science that denies the evidence that's clear to see
The evidence of God's design that's clear to you and me
Is poor at best in answering the questions needed most
Because it has not truth declared by God's own Holy Ghost
The truth that only knowledge can impart the knowledge to
A creature that is animate to do what it can do
In choosing when to move or not and when to be quite still
As it desires in keeping with the purpose of its will
For even the amoeba has a brain that is its own
That chooses when and where to move though it is all alone
And what to eat and what to leave that will not serve it well
A truth for which poor science has no answer it can tell
And even the amoeba knows though we have not a clue
When splitting for another just exactly what to do
To multiply its presence through the fission of itself
Without the poor instruction that might come from someone else
Because it has a Maker that's implanted in its brain
The part that's called the nucleus the same by any name
The DNA that's needed to produce another kin
That likewise will contain the knowledge God has put therein
But what is so amazing in this thing we cannot see
Without a microscope that magnifies what it might be
Is that this single little cell poor science can't explain
Is multiplied a billion times again and then again
In us whom science blindly thinks it has a handle on
When by its explanation proves so little facts are known
Except as they can make them up for people to believe
Who have not sought the Word of God through faith that they receive
When laying all before the One Who spoke the worlds in place
Who rules the mighty universe the great expanse of space
And even seeks a dwelling place within the hearts of men
Who have the richest science when they let His Spirit in
Genesis 1; Psalm 8