God's Faithfulness
“Great is Thy faithfulness oh God our Father
There is no shadow of turning with Thee
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me”
The words that here are spoken in this glorious melody
Are words that tell a mighty truth that all the world must see
About our loving Father Who gave all that He could give
And still provides the essence of all things we need to live
They tell us how His faithfulness will never turn away
From those who seek Him faithfully to guide them everyday
How even in our darkest hour when we feel all alone
We still might feel His loving arms that tell us we're His own
First by the fact He made us from the earth as one with Him
Then breathed in us the breath of life at first in each of them
Who were to be our parents in that garden formed by love
That garden unlike anything this world can tell us of
Where all was pure perfection not one single stain of sin
And awe filled every moment in this garden they were in
Until in doubt Eve wandered from the side of him she knew
And listened to the serpent whom the evil one spoke through
And listening she gave her heart to ponder selfish things
That brought on her posterity a world of sufferings
Saved only by the cleansing blood of that great sacrifice
That blood that through the centuries did point to Jesus Christ
Who secondly did make us to be His by what was done
The Father giving all He had for us through Christ the Son
Who not just as our Sacrifice but as our perfect kin
Forever will be One with us to bear the marks of sin
For which He paid the perfect Price that we could not afford
The Price of our redemption for the ones that He adored
Though sinful stained and fallen still in likeness made like Him
To be remade His people when He comes to rapture them
Who waiting will be watching when His glory splits the sky
And all who have been sleeping will be raised to never die
As in one perfect body we will go to live with Him
Who always for His children had provided all for them
Romans 8:22-39; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18