So many find a refuge from the burden of their fears
In sharing with another through a multitude of tears
Their inmost hidden secrets from the chambers of their mind
In trust that certain someone won't divulge the things they find
But humans are still human we're still vulnerable and weak
And even though one listens they have not the power we seek
To move a mighty mountain or to calm a raging sea
Or even in their discourse help us be from burdens free
But there is One Who listens when we lay our burdens down
Through prayer and Bible study when we meet on holy ground
Who has the power and wisdom that no other place we find
To grant us joy that's certain in a free devoted mind
That seeks Him in the morning with no burden from our sin
As we grasp hold the promise of forgiveness found within
The love in our relationship with Him Who is divine
Who holds all things together not controlled by space or time
For He Who is eternal Who laid majesty aside
Is just as present here today for those who choose to hide
Their heart's concerns and burdens in the One in Whom they find
Has power to deliver and give them a peace filled mind
As when He was still walking by the shores of Galilee
Just now He's in the Person of another Entity
The One Whom He had promised would be always by our side
The Comforter from heaven Who also will dwell inside
The heart and soul of people who seek not the things of earth
But seek that close communion that begins in our rebirth
When we before the Father claim allegiance to the Son
And from that time determine we will always be as One
In purpose thought and action even in the words we speak
As daily just like Jesus every moment we will seek
The wisdom of the Father shared with us through Christ the Son
And placed within our person by the third eternal One
That we might never worry never bow to our concern
But be a light to others in the wisdom that we learn
Through intimate devotion with our Father God and King
Who through His Holy Spirit makes us one in everything
Isaiah 9:6-7; 41:28-29; John 14:12-21