Fashioned For The City
How perfectly in splendor will the saints in glory be
When they with Christ have traveled from this earth to that City
Wherein His throne of glory with the Father now abides
And mercy reigns with righteousness as justice coincides
For all the saints in glory who have traveled from this earth
Who have by faith been baptized in the waters of rebirth
And those who were not able but lived up to all they knew
Will have the greatest honor God's reserved for just the few
Who had no love for vanity no love for finite things
That made them less in value than the perfect offerings
God worked within their hearts to make when they His love could see
Poured out without reserve on all who looked to Calvary
And saw there in His Offering something they could not know
Without abandoning their past to let His Spirit show
Them how much He has loved them and will always love them still
When they by faith grasp hold of grace to live the Father's will
That has no part with evil does not compromise with sin
But works by grace with those of faith to place His power within
That power that is also grace that leads to victory
In all who set aside themselves the more like Him to be
Who is our Life eternal in compassion recognized
By those who live among us who thought God had been disguised
By those who claimed to know Him but lived more to serve themselves
Than they desired to be like Christ and live for someone else
Who needed His compassion needed love that matched their words
Revealed through selfless actions when all worldly ones inferred
They had no hope for promise to be saved or reconciled
For all that they had done that made them wretched and defiled
But those who truly knew Him Who had given them His all
Before He even made them let alone before the fall
Could see if but for grace alone they too would have no hope
And willingly did sacrifice to help that sinner cope
With guilt that turned to blessing scars that turned to points of praise
To make and mold and fashion them for when the Lord will raise
The dead in Christ to glory to go Home with Him on High
To live within that City where the saints will never die
Romans 3:23; John 14:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 21:1-7