Love's Mystery
So many many years ago before I knew my role
Before I understood God's path to reach His final goal
He placed His plan in action through the lives of other men
Aligning what would happen for today from way back then
As others I would come to know would also get their start
Arranging circumstances as we each would play our part
To be for us an honor in the theatre of men
As we before the universe play out the part we're in
For long from the beginning in God's counsel up in space
A meeting of the Godhead on creation did take place
A meeting for the planning of what they would have to do
To quell the great rebellion Lucifer had brought them to
A meeting filled with passion like we've never known before
As God held full communion Each deciding Their work for
The plan for our salvation that would cost the greatest Price
As Father Son and Holy Ghost would come as One in Christ
One through the pain and suffering that Jesus would go through
The Spirit giving strength of will to do what He must do
While every pang of anguish would tear sore upon the heart
Of Him Who is the Father Who must play the Judge's part
To watch His Son in poverty no place to call His own
When heaven was His sovereignty next to His Father's throne
But He for love would sacrifice His all to save all men
Who would respond in loving kind and leave the dark of sin
To grasp in faith with full embrace the grace of God for them
Displayed upon that wooden cross that God prepared for Him
Whom Love for us provided as there was no other way
To save the souls of fallen men of whom we are today
Those fallen into blindness from the evil ways of sin
For whom He paid the offering that we might start again
But this time not as sinners but as children of the King
Who by the Son and Holy Ghost provided everything
The blood that was the Sacrifice the Spirit that is Truth
To make us one as They are One to have eternal youth
As through eternal ages we will study what God's done
Through Father Son and Holy Ghost to make us all as one
Mark 4:11-12; Romans 16:24-27