One day I was holding my daddy's soft right hand. His soft hands that he used for farming while we were walking on a gravel road before getting into the main part of the road on a clear day. A gravel road with small rocks here and there that we have walked upon several times in the past. On the way to our favorite fishing spot at a small pond where we caught a fish or two once in a while. Times of refreshment that was not spent in vain that we had some good conversations.
Excellent conversations that we had about producing several aspects of good fruit like endless generosity, joy, humility, abundant grace, long suffering, Love, a sound mind, and tender kindness. A grateful state of mind while having wonderful conversations about the importance of remaining true to the calling of God on your life. Therefore, the splendid calling of God that is consistent with attributes like maintaining a great deal of faith, eternal hope, wisdom, and deep integrity!
The words of life flowing out of his mouth like God sees you as a precious jewel in his eyes. A precious child that he takes a lot of delight in who assures you that he will never leave nor forsake you. The voice of God that is gentle, loving, wise, and firm! The God of the impossible while struggling in your darkest hour. Lastly, the splendid aspect of Love stepping into the picture.