It’s easy to get caught up in doing things to serve God and missing the true purpose of service. It’s a privilege to serve the Lord, to worship Him by loving Him and others with our words and deeds.
It’s a miracle that the Creator and Sustainer of all provides us with gifts, abilities, skills, talents, and opportunities to share Him with others through proclaiming His name and serving others in His name.
Lord, thanks for reminding us that You don’t need our help to accomplish anything. Thanks for lovingly welcoming us to join in the wonderful work You’re doing in this world You created, this world You alone sustain.
Thanks for inviting us to be a part of something bigger than anything we can ever imagine.
Please help us appreciate the blessing of knowing our purpose is to live and love for You. Please help us continue to see beyond ourselves, to care about others with genuine compassion and love rooted and growing in Your unconditional love for us.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Meet Xochitl E. Dixon
With a heart for loving God, loving people, and nurturing spiritual growth, Xochitl (soh-cheel) E. Dixon encourages and equips women to experience God’s presence and embrace God’s grace, through prayerful study and application of His Holy Word.
Xochitl is represented by Timothy J. Beals, the president of Credo Communications, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She looks forward to serving with the Credo team and is grateful for the wisdom and godly leadership Tim brings to her writing journey.
She lives in Northern California with Dr. W. Alan Dixon Sr., her wonderful husband who doubles as her best friend, their young adult son, Xavier, and their doggy-daughter, Jazzy.
Married in 1994, Xochitl and Alan praise God for His immeasurable grace as they plunge toward their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.
Xochitl is her husband’s biggest fan when he’s playing softball and, since he graduated in 2016 with a doctorate in organizational leadership, she gladly accepts all planning and organizing falls under his responsibility. On their down-time, they love traveling, photography, and creating encouraging memes together.
Xochitl takes great pleasure in singing loud enough for the neighbors to join her in praising and worshiping the Lord. She enjoys going with her husband to Giants games and is a sucker for getting lost in a good book.
She delights in sharing the love of Christ wherever she goes and has learned to appreciate live theater, especially since she never realized her dream to perform on Broadway.
For years, Xochitl prayed for the opportunity to share God’s truth and love to the ends of the earth and asked the Lord to use her writing to inspire readers toward deeper prayerful study of the Bible.
In April 2016, by God’s incredible grace, Xochitl was given the privilege of serving as a contracted writer for Our Daily Bread Ministries. She continues to give God all the glory, the honor, and the praise, as she learns from the talented and encouraging ODB editorial team.
Xochitl invests in the writing community by offering encouragement, prayer, and sharing Scripture-based prayer memes through Write to Worship, a Facebook ministry page she started in December 2017.
Her short stories have been published in ENCOUNTER – The Magazine, a take-away for teen Bible curriculum. Her poem, “Amazing by Grace,” was published in Devo ‘Zine, a teen magazine. Her devotion, “The Master Craftsman, was published in The Upper Room (Jan/Feb 2014 issue).
A snippet of her testimony of God’s redeeming love and immeasurable grace was published, under the name of Stephanie Dixon, in The Bare Naked Truth: Dating, Waiting, and God’s Purity Plan by Bekah Hamrick Martin. She contributed quotes to be published in The Mean Mom’s Guide to Raising Great Kids by Joanne Kraft. Three stories about her mom were included in As My Parents Age: Reflections on Life, Love, and Change by Cynthia Ruchti.
As an active supporter of ministries that equip and encourage writers to serve God with their creative skills, Xochitl highly recommends the following writing conferences: the SoCal Christian Writers’ Conference, the West Coast Christian Writers’ Conference, the Mount Hermon Christian Writers’ Conference, and The Oregon Christian Writers’ Conference. For more recommendations, please visit the writer’s resources page.
Xochitl has a passion for ministering to women, mentoring teens, and encouraging writers. She’s currently enjoying the scenic route toward earning her BA in Christian Ministry online at Regent University and is available for speaking events and retreats ministering to women, teens, young adults, and writers.
You can fellowship with Xochitl by subscribing to her blog on the homepage of this website, liking her Author Page on Facebook, or following her on Twitter.
Affiliations: Our Daily Bread Ministries (2016-Current), Inspire Christian Writers (2011-2018), American Christian Fiction Writers (2017), Christian Writers Guild (2006-2014),Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators (2003-2013), Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (1990-Current) and First Baptist Church (2009-Current).